Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Thanksgiving 5k!

About a month ago, Abby stayed the night at our house and talked about how she was doing the Couch to 5k. If you haven't heard of it, it is a step by step layout of how you can be a person who does no exercise one day (lying on the couch) to a person who can run a 5k (after 8 weeks on this program). I had heard a lot of people doing it a couple years ago but the concept had kind of died out. But when Abby was at our house, she got up in the morning and ran! It really gave me motivation! She said she was doing it in order to get ready for the Thanksgiving 5k and if I started right then, I'd be ready for the 5k too. 
Now you all know me - you know I'm not a runner. The running (and even, dare I say ATHLETIC) genes were give to my other siblings. But I had been looking for a way to work out and didn't want to pay for a gym it was! The most appealing thing about it is that you only have to run three days a week. With me working 3, 12-hour days, it's pretty hard to run on any of those days so this was perfect!
I am finishing up week 6. I ran TWO MILES last week! I had never even ran ONE mile EVER in my life! I know this sounds minimal to all you runners but it's a huge deal for me. And it's been so great to have Abby to talk to because she's a week ahead of me and it's good to get/give encouragement. 
Another fun thing is when Elsy sees me getting my workout clothes on, she says, "Mommy running?" And then she likes to stretch with me. Here are some of her stretches. 


  1. Way to do this, Julie! I am really proud of you.

  2. I am impressed that you have time to even stretch. All of you runners keep up the good work.

  3. I'm planning on getting in shape enough to run this as well! It'll be fun to run alongside of you and Abby! Love you and I'm proud of your perseverance!

  4. For some reason, I thought MOM was writing this post for the longest time. I thought it was funny that she was talking about her siblings being more athletic than her and I was picturing her training with the Couch to 5K and wanting to find a way to work out without purchasing a gym membership. Ha!

    I LOVE the pictuers of Elsy stretching with you! Love them! How precious.

    When Micah and I get done with our jog, pushing the strollers with the kids in it, we always ask them if they're tired from all that running and neee a drink and they say yes. Ha!

  5. Thanks for posting this!!
