Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Elsy's a big girl

Last week, I had four days off from work. Leading up to those four days, Elsy had asked to go to the bathroom while she was in the bath for two nights. 
So I decided since I was going to be home from work, I would try to potty train her. The first day, we went through three pairs of underwear by noon. Cindy visited us that morning. 

The last time, she didn't have anything on and the urine ran down her leg! At that point and time I put a diaper on her and put her down for a nap and was thinking she wasn't quite ready for it. When she woke up from her nap she proceeded to go to the bathroom three times on the big girl toilet!

 I really think the urine down her leg did it! She didn't want that feeling anymore. The next day, she had one mistake and that was it! She hasn't had a mishap since! Can you believe it?! The very first time she went, we had some Whoppers in the house from Halloween that we gave her. From there on out, that's what she wants when she goes! So I went out and bought a big box. She's also filling out a sticker chart. 

Now, she doesn't even need prompting. She likes to hang out naked and just walks over and does her thing when she feels the need! 

And she does the same with pooping! The past two mornings, I've been getting ready in the other room and she calls out "mommy, poo poo. Big one". Who is this girl?!!


  1. Oh. My. Goodness! I love this! I love all the pictures and the thought of her going to the bathroom right there in the living room. How cute! Those little buns! Way to go, Elsy (and Julie)!

  2. Today she wanted to take off her clothes at our house, I wasn't to sure about it. I let her run around in a shirt and her cute "big girl" panties, she was good with that. She didn't want to get dressed when her daddy came. She did great for us all day. Smart kid.
