Thursday, November 13, 2014

Cole is Occupied

This kept Cole occupied and stationary for a few minutes this morning while I was hoping to hold off eating lunch until 11:00 (you can't have lunch at 10:45!).

He pulled his box full of shoes out of the cubby and sat in it (notice that he had me put one black shoe on one foot, though it's a tad small) and then proceeded to get all of his lincoln logs into the shoe box with him.  Ha!

By the end he was breathing heavy he was working so hard.

Seeing his task complete, he started taking them out again...

As always, I wish I would've gotten it on video, but this will have to suffice.  A glimpse into our life...


  1. You captured all of it in pictures....I got the idea without a video!!

  2. Looks like he was having fun with his Lincoln Logs! I thought it was funny seeing him sitting in his shoe cubby. Busy little boy.
