Thursday, November 6, 2014

Norma and Abby Came to Visit, Day 1

From Dana:

Norma and Abby came to visit! We loved it! Cole took right to them. Here he is the first morning sidling up to Norma right off the bat as they looked through his adoption story book together. 

The first day they were there, I had to go to Election school to get prepped for working the election polls. So, Norma and Abby stepped in to watch Cole. Abby even changed a poopy diaper (thanks, Ab!).

We walked downtown to run some errands and go to the pizza place for lunch then back home for Cole's nap and a game of Ticket to Ride (after Abby went on a jog - way to go!). In unbelievable style, Norma managed to get 210 points - that's TWICE around the scoreboard! Here's proof...

We had never witnessed such a score. Here's how Abby felt...

Cole woke up and it was into his Halloween costume and into his stroller to head downtown for Sublette's uber-cool trick or treating on Main Street after school. He got lots of compliments on his costume. He's just one cute kid!

We started off at the courthouse and Cole seemed in a daze. He couldn't figure out what was going on and just tried to take it all in. 

He got the hang of it. 

Here are two of Cole's supportive companions. 

We didn't go back out trick or treating after supper but we did stop at a few houses on the way back from downtown. 


Le, across the street

We had our traditional chili supper before Marc made it home from work. 

We didn't have tons of trick or treaters. Or maybe we had more than I realize, but can't tell since we had so much candy leftover.

  It was a fun day to share with Norma and Abby. I loved having them here!


  1. I just can't get over how cute that kid is. The elephant costume puts him over the top! And so fun that Norma and Abby could be there for it!

  2. Love seeing Norma and Abby in Sublette with you all!
