Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Wheat Update

From Dana:

On our way home from Kansas City we stopped at the farm to see how the wheat was coming along. In just under a week, it had started to come up!

By this time in our trip, Cole was more than ready to get out of his seat and have a look (and so was General).

Marc was happy with how it was coming up except for in the tractor tracks. "It needs a rain," Marc reported. 

Look what happened today!

This was Sublette - almost one inch! We haven't gotten the report from montezuma yet, but hopefully they got the same thing!

We have 40 more acres of continuous crop (land that has not sat fallow) we need to still plant. We were just waiting for a rain, and now we got it!


  1. Rain in Sublette!?! How wonderful. The little green shoots in the dirt are beautiful, aren't they. :) The picture of Cole made me think of a "man out surveying his land". Cute.

  2. that picture of Cole looking out over the land is incredible! Foreshadowing of what's to come for him - many years of being raised out in Southwest KS!
