Monday, September 8, 2014

C and C Visit

Cindy and Charlotte came to visit!!

I love it when they come. They have servant hearts, are easy to feed and easy to entertain. When they visit your house, make sure you have plenty of hand soap, paper towels, milk and coffee. Other than that, your visit should be super smooth sailing. :)

I had an eye sore in the backyard in one strip of my vegetable garden. It just kept getting weedier and weedier throughout the summer. I kept telling myself I needed to get to it but kept putting it off until it became a major project! I was so overwhelmed I was paralyzed and couldn't/didn't do anything about it. Just kept letting the weeds grow and grow. Some of the weeds were taller than me! 

Enter: Cindy and Charlotte to save the day! We worked on it one morning and got it knocked out in less than an hour. I was so glad for the help and the company and for the added hands with Cole. Wish I had a before and after pic. 

Charlotte helped maintain the other flower beds and showed me how to make her famous chicken salad. 

Cindy took us to pizza Thursday night. When we returned, we sat on the porch and Charlotte shared her ice with Cole. He loves that stuff!

Before I knew C and C were coming, I committed to watching my friend Meghan's son Corbin for a few hours Thursday afternoon. I was glad for the extra hands. 

Cole woke up from his nap to Corbin playin on the floor. You woulda thought it was Christmas morning the way his face lit up when he saw him. Cute!

Cindy used her magic aunt touch to rock Corbin to sleep and put him in Cole's bed. Glad to have her!

On Friday we woke up to cool temps, rain, and Cole with a runny nose. Charlotte started cleaning up brekfast dishes while Cindy and I took Cole to Dollar General to get some vain bags. And she just kept cleaning! Before I knew it, my kitchen was sparkling - no crumbs in the toaster, no gunk on the trash can, no grease film on the oven display. Nice!

During Cole's nap, Cindy and I sorted all Cole's clothes and vacuum packed them up for storage. It was a big undertaking - one I hadn't planned on doing but was always looking in the back of my mind. I think I just mentioned it to Cindy when they were first here and she made it happen. So grateful!

As they were making their way out here on Wednesday, I just kept thinking, "the cavalry is coming, the reinforcements". So thankful for their willingness to help!

Thanks for coming to visit! Love you!


  1. What a great visit you had with them. I know they enjoyed it too.

    Cole certainly looked happy to have Corbin over. Fun pictures!

  2. It is easy to be at the Voth house....thank goodness we didn't get sick. The curse has been lifted. Thanks for all the kind words, it is fun to at your house too.

  3. We are so fortunate to have aunts with servant hearts!!!
