Friday, September 12, 2014

Go Larks!

Yesterday, Cole and I embarked on his first school sporting event - Sublette middle school volleyball. We took our seat on the second row and Cole just sat on my lap mesmerized for a good 10-15 minutes - taking in all the sounds, whistles, action, clapping. It was fun!

We were very close to the court. Often when a player would bring the ball back to serve, Cole would hold out both hands and ask, "Ball?" Ha! It made me laugh right out loud. They never indulged his request. 

After a while he started to get restless so we trekked out to the concession stand to get a tasty treat - popcorn! That kept him occupied for a while!

Cole is doted on and adored whenever we go out and yesterday was no exception. He's famous around here! Ha! Hope you can be out with us in Sublette sometime!


  1. Love that little hand in the popcorn.

  2. Life in Sublette - enjoyable and full. Thanks for the open invitation to all!
