Monday, February 17, 2014

This and That

From Dana:
1. Yesterday I was invited to Davney's birthday party.  She is a four year old little girl of my friend Whitney.  When her mom asked her who she wanted to invite, she said Zoe (her cousin), Corina (her friend) and me!  Ha!  I made the list!  It was also her brother, Hunter's, birthday, so I bought him a gift too.  All I bought him was some $3 playdoh, so I decided to give him 7 $1 bills (since he was turning 7).  And, of course, I taped them on the playdoh, practically covering the entire thing with money.  That's what you'd do, right?  That's what Cindy and Charlotte do.  I thought that's what everyone would do.  Nope.  You'da thought I was the most clever gift giver by the reaction I got from the kids but also from all the adults.  "Who gave him that?" "How cute!" "How'd you think of that?"  Ha!  Here I thought I was being lazy...
2.  Last week at our ladies Bible study we shared our life stories with each other.  It was great to get an overview of each others' lives and see the big picture.  It's always such a bonding time when you learn more about each other and this was no exception.  This week we'll start our new study, Beth Moore's, "So Long Insecurity".  I'm looking forward to it.  Insecurity is a common theme for all of us and every woman I come across...maybe every person I come across.
3. Our dishwasher broke today.  I don't mind doing dishes, really.  But, it's been a long time since I've washed EVERYTHING--cups, plates, silverware, etc.  Let me just say I'll be glad when we get a chance to go buy a new one!
4.  We lowered the mattress to Cole's bed today.  I'm sure it won't be long before I walk in there and he's standing up looking at me.  Can hardly imagine!
5. We saw Norma's tweet about the Thomason remodel and couldn't quite make out exactly all that was going on.  Wood stairs?  New carpet?  Immediately, Marc and I checked the blog for an update.  We LOVE this thing.  Just yesterday Marc was asking why no one was blogging lately. :-)
5. On Saturday I got to go with five girlfriends to a spa in Hays, KS called Rock Haven.  I bet you're wondering how good a spa could be in Hays, KS, but you would be wrong in questioning!  It was awesome!  It was out in the country, in a secluded area.  They pampered us to the max!  We first changed into our swimsuits and donned these big plush robes to walk outside to the hot tub for champagne, fruit, and crackers and cheese while we soaked.  Then we enjoyed time in a steam room, complete with a peppermint exfoliating body scrub and then off to get an hour long massage and pedicure.  What an experience!  I have never done anything like that before!  I was so grateful for Marc and Shirley for watching Cole that day and giving me some time away.  I came back renewed and refreshed.
These are the girls I went with.  They all married Marc's friends (and I knew them too) from the KSU Navigators and live in the Garden City area.  We don't spend lots of time together but enjoy it when we do.

1 comment:

  1. Keep blogging, even if the rest of us don't. I was with your Grandmother today and she enjoys reading this as much as I do. Our lives aren't as interesting as you young folk.
