Wednesday, February 5, 2014

D & G Ellis Snow Day #2

From Georgann:  Dave and I don't mind having another day home from work. Both of our offices were closed today giving us a 2nd snow. Here's what we did:  Dave watched some of his Ken Burns' Civil War DVDs and a couple parts of Return to Lonesome Dove. We shoveled the driveway.

On Dana's suggestion, I decided to do a puzzle. I chose a mosaic puzzle with pieces cut with right angles. It was a challenge because the pieces don't interlock.

You all know about Dave's LISTS but did you know he has BOXES of important items?  He keeps them in the top of our closet and decided to go through them this afternoon. He recycled a few empty boxes and weeded through the others.

My puzzle got finished!  It went together pretty quickly.

 Dave is still at it.  He moved his operation to the floor. 

If you had SNOW DAY #2, what did you do?

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you chose to do a mosaic puzzle! That seems so hard! I love that you seemed to have done it from the bottom up, not skipping around at all. Very methodical. And dad has boxes? I'm sure he has lots of fun things to save from all his adventures and all the interesting people he meets. Good idea to go through them and get rid of things that aren't so important anymore. I have a tendency to stash and avoid things like that. But, what's the point in that? You save stuff so you can enjoy it later, right?
