Monday, December 23, 2013


Marc and I are slowly coming into our own traditions for Christmas but for now we are borrowing from the Ellis family. I made some peanut clusters to share and the sugar cookie dough is chilling in the fridge. Currently, we are watching Christmas Vacation and have plans to watch White Christmas tomorrow before going to the Christmas Eve service down in Liberal. Also, we have our Christmas cards adorning our doorway. I love seeing all the pictures and find myself staring at them throughout the day. 

I'm sad to be missing Christmas with my family. Really sad. But I feel really good about our decision not to travel so much with Cole, especially now that he's getting over being sick. We have a few days here to recoop before heading to Brad's wedding and seeing everyone!!


  1. I think setting family traditions are important, I remember the first year not going home to Dodge was hard, it gets easier. Love how you love family. Merry Christmas!

  2. I love this picture, and what looks like little Cole's jacket on the closet door knob. We will miss being with you all, too. As soon as I have that thought, I go on to the thought that we'll be together for the wedding. That will be special. Tis this "season".

  3. At some point we all made the decision to have Christmas Day in our own homes. It was a hard decision but after while it became a new normal. At this point I'm enjoying the years we're together because I know that it won't always be this way! I'll miss seeing you all but think it's great that you're making the best of it with your own traditions!
