Friday, December 20, 2013


Cole has croup! We went to the doctor on Monday after a bad cough through the night and then he woke up and was having trouble breathing. Now that's scary! The doctor gave him a shot with steroids and antibiotic and then prescribed at-home breathing treatments. Four times a day, we sit him in his car seat and blow this vaporized medicine in his face. It's kind of a pain but does seem to help. He doesn't usually have the mouthpiece in his mouth like he does in the picture but he does like to chew on it and put his tongue in the tube. We've been reading lots of books and singing songs and making funny faces at each other during our breathing treatment times. That's one good thing! We return to the doctor Thursday morning to check back in. He's breathing better but coughing a bit more. This has been hard for me a times. It's so hard to know what to do!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cole is a good little patient. I know this has been very hard for you to go through. Wish we could have been there for support, encouragement and to babysit if needed. So glad he is breathing more easily. Now to get rid of the cough. Love you all.
