Saturday, October 4, 2014

Work With Daddy

We had a momentous occasion this week! Cole got to go to work with his daddy for the first time. 

The timing was perfect. He had just woken up from his afternoon nap. Marc had stopped by the house and was ready to go out again, close to town, to see a test plot cut of one of his farmers - so he wouldn't be gone for too long. 

Marc told Cole to go get his shoes and Cole excitedly scurried off to his room. They grabbed a sippie cup of water and a snack cup full of goodies, a pacifier and they were off!

They got to ride the combine and Marc said Cole started to get kind of drowsy with the constant sway and continuous rumble of the machine and laid his head on Marc's shoulder. 

Cole picked up as many ears of corn as his little arms could carry only to have his daddy leave them behind in the field. 

I felt like it was such a big milestone. I loved seeing them go off together. Can't wait for more of that!

Now, in the mornings, Cole goes and gets his shoes to put on when he sees Marc getting ready to leave, even if he's still in his pj's. He loves spending time with his daddy!


  1. I love this!!! So fun! I can just see him gathering his corn! And falling asleep on his daddy's shoulder :)

  2. Did Cole wear a hat, too? Cole's time with Daddy also gives Mom some alone time. Great milestone!
