Thursday, June 12, 2014


Even I their recovering-from-sickness state, Joel and Cindy managed to be super helpful by getting our new microwave out of the box and working. Cole had fun in the aftermath...

(Does Cindy always put kids in boxes?)

Looking up at tall cousin Joel 

Making a jungle gym out of the old microwave before it was thrown out.. 

Glad to have this task marked off the list! Thank you!


  1. You took such good care of us when we were sick, it was the little bit we could do. I do love the "kid in the box" trick. I should get one for my house when I babysit!!

  2. G "New Microwave Envy" EllisJune 13, 2014 at 6:10 PM

    What a fun post. About something so simple that turned into something so fun. Cole helped make it "post worthy". Ha!
