Saturday, December 6, 2014

A New Post For You

From Dana:

I don't know how many times I checked the blog this week eager for a new post. Lots! 

I didn't have much to share myself, I guess. Or actually, I had some full nights (Marc kept Cole Tuesday while I went to my nitelites Christmas dinner in garden city, Shirley and Al kept Cole Thursday and Friday so we could go to the Mockingjay movie and a friend's birthday party) and afternoon nap times (Al and I finished painting the ceiling and edges of the bathroom and stairs in the basement along with recovering from being gone last week), which are my prime blogging times. It was a full and fun week. 

Cole even successfully went to bed for Shirley at her house and stayed the night over there last night! Huge accomplishment! Marc and I got to wake up on our own this morning. Has that happened in the last 18 months? I don't think so. Hooray!


  1. Aren't overnights such a blessing?!!! It is so nice to wake up whenever you want and then so fun to go and pick up the kiddos again! I feel like it is refresing on all ends!!!

  2. Thanks for the new post. I was getting tired of seeing RON SWANSON! But not so much that I submitted a post of my own.
