Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas Brunch Prep

From Dana:

Somehow I never managed to get signed up for something to bring to the Burrichter Christmas brunch at Thanksgiving. When I contacted Cindy about it later, she graciously asked me to bring plates and napkins, since that would be easy to transport. I was more than willing to bake something but wasn't going to argue. 

Then, Julie and Cindy came and Julie requested my pumpkin scones (introduced to me by Katie Metcalf). Super easy to make. Super homey and delicious. When Cindy reported this to Charlotte, Charlotte was "envious" - she would like a scone. So, I thought, "ah, that would be a perfect thing to make and take for the brunch."  

I got to baking on Tuesday knowing I could put them in the freezer and just be done with it. I had pumpkin leftover, so it was going to be simple. 

As I was preparing them, I thought, I should take some pictures and post to the burrichter Facebook page. Of course, I forgot and I realized when I had the dough all rolled out that I had also forgotten the baking soda! The baking soda! What would you do? 

Not wanting to waste it, I put the solid dough back into the bowl and sprinkled the Tbs of baking soda on it and tried to kind of knead it in, rolled the dough out, cut the scones, put them in the oven and hoped for the best. 

I got all the dishes washed (including all the pieces of the food processor, which I hate - so convenient yet so cumbersome) while they were baking and pulled them out and let them cool. They looked fine.  Took a bite and they were so bitter! Ugh!

My conclusion: I didn't get the tbs of baking soda mixed in well enough! Much to my dismay, they headed to the trash and THAT's when I remembered to take a picture for you. 

In disgust, I left to take a shower and prepare for babysitting Corbin, in less than an hour. While in the shower, I thought, I think I can get another batch in before he gets here. All the dishes were washed and out and ready to be used again. Might as well. It'll be nice to have it done. 

I kept telling myself, haste makes waste, haste makes waste. I carefully followed the recipe, got them in the oven with 15 minutes to spare. When Cole woke up, we tried one together and would you believe it? They were bitter!!! Are you kidding me? 

I raced to the recipe and would you know it, it called for baking POWDER! I was so upset. What a waste - of precious nap time, of ingredients - and I STILL didn't have the scones I was needing. Guess where they ended up? Yep, second batch in the trash on top of the first!

How frustrating! Third time's a charm!


  1. Oh this makes me hurt for you!! Remember the one and only time I made them, I forgot the baking powder??!! What's up with the baking powder??

  2. OH NO! I have made the same mistake before soda for powder or vice versa. Yikes! I can't wait to taste the THIRD batch! Love you so much.

  3. Dana!!!! One time I did this but didn't realize it until I had delivered them to 3 friends!!! Yep had to call them all up and tell them not to eat the scones. That I was't trying to be humble and that they really and truly were awful! So So Frustrating!!!
