Saturday, March 7, 2015


Marc made Cole a cool fort (not a house, like I kept wanting to call it) out of a box the other day, and Cole has been LOVING playing in it!

The evolution of the fort:

Cole was a little hesitant to go inside until Marc suggested I get him a flashlight. Then he was all about it!

Marc cut notches in the door to be used as handles to make it easier to close the door from the inside. 

I asked Marc if he wanted to make the door a little taller to make it easier to get in and out. He informed me that a tunnel door is way better and that if I was a boy I'd understand. Ha!

It soon became apparent that we needed a ceiling "look out". 

"Pop goes the weasel"

It has since been decorated with stickers, manly super hero stickers. 

What a fun creation! (Now, how long do you keep these things before you throw them away?!!!)

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