Thursday, July 31, 2014

Birthday party at Don Chilito's

Family got together tonight to celebrate the birthdays of Jacob (17 yrs), Eden (4 yrs) and Susie (60 yrs). This is where the party began!  Kathryn and Brad led the way in line at Don Chilito's.

This is the crowd at the party.  Elsy got to sit at the head of the table.  Laura, with the help of Mary, Janet, Kay and Charlotte, did a great job on the decorations.  Seems like we enjoyed being together so much that we didn't leave until over 2.5 hours later!  Marty and Susie had a lot of great pictures and stories to tell about their Alaskan cruise.

Birthday boys Eden and Jacob

Birthday girl, Susie.  Christina brought two cakes!

 Norma and Tirzah hang out with Cory.  Tirzah is so cute!!


Susie was given a book about grandmas and Eden recorded the narrative. Kathryn read it to Elsy.

Look what Eden got for his birthday!  Perfect!

Happy birthday, Susie!

The party's over!

What a great way to end the evening.  Books with Grandpa.

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