Tuesday, April 5, 2016

What's He Doing?

Cole doesn't have a lot of unsupervised time, but he definitely has more these days since Hope's been born - particularly when I'm putting Hope to sleep. Luckily, Hope's gotten to where it doesn't take me long to put her down. 

But here are a few things I have come out of her room to find...

Lots of sour cream added to his supper tonight.

Peeling a full sized orange...with his teeth? He had to climb on his stool to get this from the counter. 

Eating his leftover hamburger and fries cold that he got out of the fridge himself. 

Laying on the couch with my hat playing. 

And usually I'm greeted by a sweet little innocent voice saying, "Hi Mama."

I'm proud of his independent, assertive nature. 


  1. This makes me giggle...I often think about you when I am watching Elsy and Watson by myself. When I go to the bathroom I want to take them with me. I don't drink much fluids when I am in charge. Lucky for me that Watson goes down quickly, I hope he continues to do that. I do now know why God didn't have me be a parent...too much work! I am proud of all my sisters and nieces on being moms.

  2. The hamburger and fries made me laugh! He's like his daddy :)
