Sunday, August 28, 2016

Daddy/Cole Time

It's been the custom the last few Saturdays, as Marc's season kind of starts slowing down, for Marc to invite Cole to go to work with him. And would you know, he enthusiastically accepts! Cole dons his wrangler jeans, cap, plaid shirt and boots and will tell you he's going to work and that he's "gotta go check Travis's fields". They have ended up at our farm most times too. Here are some pictures in the milo. 

It's also worked out the past few weeks for us to take our "taco Friday" supper out to Marc in the fields and Cole has often talked Marc into letting him stay and check with him the rest of the evening. Here are some pictures from one of those nights.

They picked me a flower.  Sitting on the four wheeler. 

And Cole gathering corn ears to take back to Grandpa for his squirrel feeder. 

We are all ready to have daddy home more but these times Cole spends with him are priceless. (And nice for me too - time with just Hope and often a bit of time to myself!!) Cole loves spending time with his daddy and his daddy loves spending time with him. 

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