Thursday, May 19, 2016

Look Who Stopped In!

Look who came to visit! Mary and Janet stopped in for a night on their way home from Texas. What a treat!

We got to play Qwirkle. Janet won!

I'm glad they took the time to stop in. After they left, they were driving through Dodge and going to check out the new water park - The Longbranch Lagoon (clever, right?). I'll be curious to hear what they thought. 

Also, I learned a few things. Did you know that Janet knows all about horses and had some growing up? She was talking to Cole about his horses and using lots of terms I didn't know, like the horse's blaze (do you know what that is?). I also learned that Janet is really "political", as Mary called her. Like, she writes letters to legislators and gets responses back (regretfully, usually just form letters). Her and Kathryn need to get together. Wonder how their politics line up?

Also, they stopped in Austin at Joel and Cindy's. Have you heard that Joel's gotten into bird watching? He feeds them and watches them on his back patio and has a book that identifies them. Ha! I love it. That guy always has something fun!

I love family!


  1. I don't know what a horses blaze is?? Who will tell me?

  2. A horse's blaze is its stripe down the top of its nose. Can you picture it? Dana
