Friday, October 16, 2015


I had been feeling lately that it had been a while since Cole and I had just played. I mean we spend a lot of time together and go and do fun things and read together and go on walks and go to the park and go to friends' houses and to grandma and grandpa's house and play in the backyard with the balls and the raquetball rackets or shooting baskets. But sometimes, we can go days without pulling out many of his toys and just playing. 

So, that's what we did this morning.  He's been sleeping in these days with the darker mornings but he was up and at 'em earlier than normal today and Marc was already gone to the farm, so after breakfast (he seems to have fallen in love with cereal just as much as me, by the way!) we just played. We played Legos and with his little sink/kitchen and with his tractors and combine (for the first time I saw him take the combine to the tractor, pull out the auger and fill the tractor with corn - like we've been seeing all harvest season) and did puzzles and listened to music really loud (his doing  - and what does it hurt? I kept reminding myself). 

I resisted the urge multiple times to get him dressed to go on a walk to get started with our day and get the errands that I had on my list knocked out or to check my phone. He was content. He was enjoying himself. Why push a different agenda?

At the end of our time, as I was getting dressed and getting things ready for our walk to do errands, i came back to the living room to find this - all his toys in a line, something I hadn't seen him do before, especially on his own. Fun!

I can feel myself savoring these (last few?) days with him before Baby Girl is born. What a gift! This is such a fun, sweet and sometimes challenging age. Grateful to be his mama!

1 comment:

  1. You and Cole took time to "stop and smell the roses"! This is precious. Sounds like a great morning for you both.
