Don't know what all I should say, but I feel like I should say something as Baby Girl's arrival is quickly approaching - 2 weeks until our due date. Eek!
After experiencing some excruciating sciatic pain in my back/rear/hip area - so much so that I would limp and hobble and wince when I walked - for nearly 3 weeks, all that is gone. I feel great. Like really great. Like not uncomfortable at all, really. I know it's probably not an indication, but it makes me think that I will go past my due date - like I'm not as far along as we think.
I am sleeping well. Feel well rested. We still have lots that could be done around the house, but I feel good about where we are. One thing I still need to do is get our bags packed for the hospital and Cole's packed for grandma and grandpa's.
Probably one of our biggest questions is when to go to the hospital. We have learned that it's good and most comfortable to labor as much at home as you can but we have a 30 min drive to the hospital in Liberal. I'm not worried that we will have a baby in the car (though Marc might be), but I am worried about having a really uncomfortable drive to the hospital or leaving too early and spending too much time in the hospital, where I might not feel as comfortable. Our friends, Anne and Nathan have offered to let us come to their house in Liberal - which we might do. Who knows?!!
Yesterday I got to attend a breastfeeding class in Garden City with the lactation consultant in our area. It was informative and helpful but probably one of the best things is knowing some of the resources available to me if I should have trouble. This woman has a free breastfeeding clinic every Tuesday and Thursday, which sounds great. And, she was very approachable and made it very clear that she wanted us to text/call her and she would respond.
I'm nervous about how the transition to a family of four will be for Cole (and for all of us). He and I spend lots of time together and that's all getting ready to change. Luckily, Marc will be in his slow time and be available. Lots of quality daddy/son bonding!
What else?
A lot of people have asked if I'm excited. And I am, I think, but I'm also not in a hurry. I know things are going to change - that it's going to be exhausting and chaotic and I'm going to have to make hard decisions about what to let go and how to spend my time and things are going to fall through the cracks - which I hate. But the part I forget so easily is that there's going to be a sweet new addition to our family! A sweet baby girl. A girl! A girl that I can grow old with and gab with and love and enjoy and watch become a mom herself, all Lord willing.
Last week I went to the hospital to fill out preadmit paperwork. And I had to fill out papers for me AND separate ones for the baby. And it hit me - there's a new person coming into this world THROUGH ME!
We haven't settled on a name. We have some ideas we like but haven't decided.
Ready or not, she's a coming! What's she going to be like? What's she going to look like? Won't be long until we get to find out!!