Tuesday, November 10, 2015

First Solo Run

Today was my first solo afternoon with both kids after having mom and dad here and then Marc's family at the Voth's. Not bad to have 12 full days of help. Marc had a meeting in Liberal and was sure to check in to make sure we were doing ok. Also, Shirley was home if I needed her, which I did end up calling her. 

A little sandbox time after lunch. Hope was asleep but got some fresh air. 

Hope not sleeping (for long) when Cole slept. 

I called Shirley to come sit with Hope while she slept so I could take Cole to the park after his nap. I wanted to give him some one on one time. We ended up inside the rec center mesmerized by the big boys playing basketball. 

We had some rough times and calm times but we survived them all - and even managed to have a hot supper (thanks to a freezer meal from a friend), get a bath for Cole and got to bed by 7:30 (this time change is working in our favor this time). It made me glad and so grateful for all the help I've had. 

I came around the corner to see that Cole had "buckled" Hope into her car seat after I laid her there to sleep during dinner. 


  1. So glad you and Cole were able to get out for a bit. Good idea Dana! And how sweet is Cole getting her all buckled in :). I quickly realized that those buckles on swings and bouncy seats might not be there for the baby but because of the older sibling who wants to hold the baby! I never buckled Isaac in, I DID buckle Ann in :)

  2. Good. for. you. Dana! You were made for activity and responsibility and caring and motherhood! Love the picture of Cole's bare feet in the sand box. I bet that felt good. Hope is a beauty. Love you all so much.

  3. With a successful day...you might not need us there!! Well, we are coming anyway to hold that baby and love on your family.
